Science Associations

The Science Association of Vivekananda College was aimed to create awareness of science and scientific temperament in the students. To encourage the students, the association hosts guest talks, field trips, and other events. The association works with affiliated organizations to plan student events and instill a scientific mindset in students. The activities are open to all the students of irrespective of their stream. The association organizes intercollegiate events to foster a greater sense of student involvement and participation as well as to provide them the chance to learn about cutting-edge scientific concepts that will help to shape their future. The association maintains “Science World,” a wall magazine which provides necessary guidelines and motivation for aspirant students to improve their science writing skills.


  • In-depth programme for high-school students of Puttur and Bantwal taluk
  • Skill enhancement programmes : inter-class competition
  • Industrial visits
  • Plasma Exhibition
  • Workshops

Inaugural function of Association activities

An Educational field visit to Central Crop Plantation Research Institute (CPCRI) Kasaragod

workshop on fabrication of Glassware

Skill enhancement inter-class competition